Thursday, March 1, 2012

An Awesome Morning!

I just had the most awesome morning visiting with an old friend that I haven't seen in over a year.  It was a chance to talk about life and catch up and share art talk.  I love time like this.  I come away feeling so refreshed and energized. There is something so fantastic about sharing where you are at and talking about what inspires.  I loved it! And she brought me some lovely little treats from the Philippines.  I love them all (eating the amazing dried mangoes as I write this), but my favourite, because of how creative it is, is the coolest little change purse made out of recycled drink containers. I love this up-cycling - what incredible ingenuity.
 And to make my morning even more fabulous, this lovely lady - Fortune 6, as well as a "Pinkie" got to go home with her as well. I am so grateful for the support and connection with fantastic friends.
Thanks for a great morning Annika!

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