I LOVE DOGS!!!!!!!
Have you ever noticed that? I love their energy and unconditional love...and...their doggie-ness! So when I was asked to come out and spend the afternoon with Lori and Knot from Wet Noses, I was all over it! We trudged through knee deep snow to get to the perfect spot on their beautiful property. And let me tell you...it was worth it! There were these golden little areas in the bush, red brush bristling up through the snow; it was really quite magical. Or would have been if we weren't soaked to the hip! ;) It is so lovely working with a dog that is SO well trained. He ran thither and yon for us, with no complaint. And after teasing him mercilessly with a pheasant, we released him to go back to his doggy ways. So, without further ado, here is the layout of the canvas installation we designed for their home. The other shots below are the individual pieces that make up the grouping.
And for something a little different...check out this video that shows some of the making of the canvases!
I hope you enjoyed!