Tuesday, March 9, 2010

On second thought...

...I like this crop much better.


I love love love painting my images.  There is a sense of meditation and peace that comes in the process. So perhaps it's not surprising on the heels of yesterdays post that I found myself in the midst of a painting.  Of course, it was in the guise of needing a new sample for my wall.  But I can (and will) procrastinate on that forever.  It was that I needed to get in touch with my artist.  And in the hours and hours that it takes to craft a painting, I relax and slowly zen-out. The movement of pen on tablet is relaxing.  I love the colours in this piece.  I find the interplay of pink and teal so lovely.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Ebb and Flow

Every January/February I go in to burn out. I feel flat. Uncreative. I look at other AMAZING photographers and wonder why I don't create like them. (Because I'm me. Duh - I know that seems obvious). But in that head space, it doesn't matter how many kudos I get for my work. How many people are touched by what I do. I feel incapable. I sit in a deep funk and question if I should just throw in the towel and work at Wendy's. No responsibility, no take-home work. And I question that for about an hour. And though I don't leave my funk for some time, I know that I am so fortunate to make a living doing what I do. I watch the others around me that struggle with bosses, co-workers,schedules and unreasonable expectations. And I am grateful that I answer to myself and to my clients. That I can be with CJ if I need or want to. And while there is this yearly, inevitable low, I also know that come spring I find my joy more and more consistently. And my sense of play is more and more present.

I was blessed today with a video by another photographer filming beautifully and honestly about this very issue. http://bit.ly/9pu4fG I love Zach's video - it is nice to know that I am not the only one who struggles and questions and re-emerges to do it all again. I think most artists deal with this. And perhaps most self employed people as well. But perhaps this year...I can learn from this ebb and flow and be more gentle with myself and allow myself to be in the moment a bit more. Perhaps.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Expose Yourself

I had to go through all my archived images today.  It was a bit of housekeeping on my part, but I was also looking for some specific personal images that I hadn't archived nearly as neatly as my client's images. Sometimes when I look back, I am astonished at how far I have come (and we're talking back to the 90's here). But these files were from 2004-2007 and they were a treat for me to go through.  There is a lot of strong imagery from that time, with some collaborative work that reminds me how much fun that can be! I found a few that I loved and I will share a few here. I have had the joy of working/playing with Sarah multiple times and I love the ideas that she has and that she always takes the time to capture herself and who she is. Imagine if we all did that?  Imagine the legacy that our children would have - knowing who we are?  It's a good reminder to me to leave a deeper footprint. Here are a few of her images that I love.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Molto Bello

I had a surprise creative "lair" date with a good friend last night and it was the perfect excuse to get some of the creative stuff that has been taking up space in my head out.  I have wanted to play more with layers upon layers and it was challenging for me! But in the end I love how these textures are all interacting.  And how I knew when it was done. Sometimes the "ending" is a little nebulous and it was very clear on this piece!