I can't believe that I am writing my 100th post. Even though I have had this blog for a few years now, it still seems new to me. I still have to think about sharing. And I think that I love that about it. It hasn't become boring or commonplace for me. I feel like I am still finding new uses for it or new thoughts about how to use it. And morphing in to it being a wonderful extension of my creativity has almost felt like a rebirth. So in that vein, I am going to post a couple of recent-ish Journal pages. The first one was prescribed and inspired by a Helen Keller quote. I am really enjoying using the journaling prompts on
Your Life Spelled Out. They make me think about topics I wouldn't have tackled. And I find that I am turning more regularly to my pages. Keeping it fresh. And not always just thinking about what is going on in my world or working through struggles. There is still a place for that, but it's not omnipresent.

This second one has been an evoloution. I started with the page. And worked it. And disliked it. And left it. And in the meantime, I had found this lovely picture. And it sat - I didn't know what I wanted to do with it. Then they magically found their way together. And though the left-hand side of the page isn't complete, I feel so much more energy from this page. It speaks to connection which is SUCH a big part of my world both personally and creatively. So I'm sharing it now, knowing that it is still in progress. It is called Serenity - they don't always have titles, as I don't tend to like titles-this one just belonged. In fact - now my head is mulling that over as being part of what belongs on the left....hmmm...perhaps not to bed...perhaps off to create more...xoxox Jen