Friday, February 28, 2014


Brrrrrr - it's a super chilly day out there.  I'm ensconced in my lair working on images with the heater going beside me. I was looking over the (very) long list of blog posts that I want to do and the images go back....a long way. So I thought I would choose some from the end of summer to make me feel warmer....if only virtually. I was asked by Lori and Brian at Gold 'C' Ker, to go the training fields in Kathryn to work with a group of wonderful people and their Golden Retrievers.  What an amazing day watching them work! There were some young uns there learning what to do with the birds, and some more experienced dogs as well. I love the water launching shot - Sherwood was one of the few that were brave enough to really leap out there as the water level was quite low. 
I will post some more of the other dogs over the next few days, but in the meantime, this is Sherwood! (Isn't he gorgeous?)

Monday, February 24, 2014


 I have known the lovely and graceful Francesca for a long time and it was an absolute pleasure to have her come to the studio to get new headshots done to promote her business, Tantric Path. We had a fabulous afternoon, complete with the final minutes of the Canadian Womens Hockey gold medal win. Here are a couple of her final choices - and take a moment to check out her web site as well!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


The lovely Shannon brought Hula in for her 9 month shots and OMG do I love puppy kisses! And fur...and...ok really I love everything puppy.  I can hardly wait to spend more time with her as she gets older! Here are a few of our favourite shots.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I have been meaning to post this painting for months!  I was asked by a client to create this for one of her friends and clients.  He was moving in to a new condo she had helped him find and she wanted him to have new art for his place. I was so touched that she asked me to create this for him. It was fun to play off something cute with a touch of humour. This is Pandamonium!