Thursday, June 9, 2011


D - "I need to find a new painting for my bathroom. Since I painted it Jalapeno, the old one doesn't go."
Me - "Ok - what are you thinking?"
D - "Oh, something with black in it."
Me - "I'll make you one...."  Forgetting that I have been purely in photography mode for the last month and haven't even picked up a brush.  Tsk tsk tsk.  Turns out that it was just the kick start that I needed.  Here is the piece that evolved over the next 10 hours - so different than what I had originally set out to create.  And I completely love it. That is one of the things that I never get over - the process of creation for me is so organic.  I can't pre-plan something because my process evolves through flow.  And when I sit in that flow and really listen to my muse, wonderful things transpire.  There are so many personal (to him) elements in this that came as sparks of light in the process.  Trust.  Flow.  Joy.

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