Crazy weird, challenging, busy, I have gone M.I.A. for awhile...sorry about that! My dad had heart surgery out of the blue and he is doing really well on the recovery side of things now, but it seemed to throw everything else of track. Isn't it amazing when your head is consumed by something, the time it takes to get it back? The universe seemed to recognize that and cut me some slack on other things. So this week has been all about getting back on track and finding my mojo again. I even got some much needed lair-organization started! My next few posts will be catching up on some of the cool projects I got to work on over the last couple of months.
Here is the first one that I did for the
Norlien Foundation. What an amazing group of people working in an incredibly beautiful space. They needed some portraits added to their website to show the growth in staff they have had. They wanted me to match the format and overall look of their previous shots while bringing my own flavour to improve upon them. An interesting and challenging request that went very well. Here are the new shots and check out their site to not only see the wonderful work that the foundation does, but also how the shots worked in with their existing portraits.