My good friend, Laurence Seton has very recently written a book about how to get and stay organized. Now, I know there are hundreds of books on this very topic on the market, so what makes this one different? It works. And it is so very simple to use. Ask anyone who knows me - I am chronically scattered. I have tried lists, organization programs, 2 palm pilots (i thought the 2nd one would be different...), mind mapping, divination...all to no avail. I have been using Laurences' program since July (so that's over
4 months people - a record for me!!!) and not only am I still using it daily; it is still working for me daily. It is brilliant and we need to share it with the world! Did I mention it is simple? The heart of it is a wonderful word document. That's it! And the book not only tells you how to set it up but so many ways to integrate it and really exploit it. Perfect for the chronically scattered - like me!
Check it out at: